Performance-Based Planning
COMPASS uses a data-driven performance-based planning approach to inform financial and planning decisions to help achieve regional goals and targets. This approach includes analyzing current data and trends and forecasting future conditions, then using the resulting information to inform investment, development, and other decisions.
COMPASS’ performance-based planning processes and products include:
- Change in Motion reports: Track progress toward meeting Communities in Motion goals to identify high-priority focus areas.
- Development Review Checklists: Provide input to local decision-makers on how proposed developments align with the goals and vision of Communities in Motion.
- Fiscal Impact Analyses: Estimate expected revenues and costs of new development to assist decision-makers in managing growth; reported with Development Review Checklists
- Development Monitoring Reports: Summarize annual and long-term development activity and trends.
- Congestion Management Process: A transparent, collaborative, data-driven process for making targeted investments in congestion management strategies that support the long-term vision and goals of the region.
- Project Selection Processes: Used to identify highest priority projects for funding in both the long-range transportation plan and the transportation improvement program (TIP) using quantitative and qualitative data and analyses.
- TIP Achievement: Identifies how each funded project in the TIP supports one or more regional and/or federal performance measures.